Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let's be Honest.....

....I don't know anything about life, or music for that matter. I do know that I am obsessed with any kind of noise that comes out of a speaker. I do know that I am a different person today than I was yesterday or the day before. I also know that my tastes in music change daily....but even if I no longer listen to the same music that i enjoyed in 1997, I still get enjoyment from those albums on the rare occasion that I pull them up on iTunes, or they are played on the radio. I wish I had better documented my hobby, because as much as I would like to be a talented musician I am nothing but a second rate, out of practice flautist (what am i going to do, start hanging out with Jethro Tull??) So, I decided, that I needed something to show for the hours that I spend reading internet blogs and listening to MP3's.
I doubt any one will ever read this except myself. I might not even keep this up, but as I've discovered, no one actually cares about the performers that I'm currently excited about, except myself.
Hopefully I won't read this later and think, "my God, i sound pretentious."

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