Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fleet Foxes....

So, Fleet Foxes, I don't know an especially large amount of information about this band. I stumbled across this band today. Seattle based, just to show you that the 90s are over and Seattle is good for more than just grunge. The album was released in June of this year and is just incredible. I have acquired a decent amount of music over the past four years, and I am not usually able to sit through an entire album upon first exposure to an artist (I have a very short attention span). I actually tried to stop listening to this album, and I couldn't pull myself away.

I will definitely try to include a video, or at least a youtube track, or live performance in the only legal way that I know to do so, because what's the fun of reading about an artist if you can't listen along?
The band consists Robin Pecknold, Skyler Skjelset, Casey Wescott, Christian Wargo, and Josh Tillman, although the track that this video features, is a solo performance by the very homeless looking front man, Robin Recknold.

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